Successful introduction of Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) technology in product R & D design process
In order to improve large reciprocating compressor unit operation reliability, economy, the company has developed a compression unit shafting torsional vibration analysis (crankshaft torsional vibration analysis) software application by the system matrix method of complex shafting for torsional vibration calculation, analysis, shafting torsional vibration characteristics and dynamic response is obtained. Avoid crankshaft, coupling fracture, unit resonance problems, enhance the reliability of the compressor design.
Torsional vibration analysis of compressor crankshaft torsional vibration mode
(a) 1 order (b) 2 order (c) 3 order
Torsional stress analysis of compressor crankshaft
Computer aided (CAE) strength analysis technique
Strength analysis of compressor connecting rod Stability analysis of compressor piston rod